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A vitamin A deficiency caused by heavy alcohol consumption can cause a thinning of the cornea, corneal perforation, and dryness due to retinal damage. But some can develop swelling or detachment of the retina (the thin layer at the back of your eye that senses light) after drinking alcohol. Drinking a lot of alcohol over a long period of time damages the brain and impairs its ability to function.

Why does alcohol change your vision?

Alcohol slows down the communication between the eyes and the brain. This can cause double vision, decrease reaction time of pupils and impair the ability to see color shades. Unsightly appearance. Bloodshot eyes is one of the most common physical characteristics of a heavy drinker.

Only use such supplements under the advisement of your physician or nutritionist. The shed pounds can further assist with lowering your blood pressure. These correlations may contribute to several possible complications or effects on the eyes. Alcohol has been shown to be a trigger for severe migraine headaches in some people.


Lowering the temperature of the eye offers relief from itchiness and constricts the blood vessels to decrease redness. Clean four tablespoons thoroughly and leave them in a freezer for a few minutes. After a night of bingeing, you can expect eyelid and lens swelling to continue limiting your vision for 24 hours.

No reliable sourcing indicates how many people experience vision issues due to alcohol. Law enforcement officers assess several alcohol-induced changes to the eyes when performing a field sobriety test on a suspected impaired driver. Drinking too much can also alter your peripheral vision, causing you to have tunnel vision. Your pupils will also react more slowly, so they will not be able to constrict or open up as well.

Methanol Poisoning

You most likely won’t change your vision prescription if you give up or cut back on alcohol, but even a few weeks of abstinence can benefit your eye health. The substance also inhibits the release of water reabsorption hormones, so your body dehydrates quickly. Dehydration causes dryness throughout the body, including in your eyes. Optical damage can be a critical consequence of an alcohol disorder. You should understand the warning signs of eye troubles from alcohol abuse and what you can do to prevent or reverse the damage.

alcohol blurry vision

Prolonged alcohol abuse will eventually affect your vision through vitamin deficiency. The liver can only process so much alcohol at a time and heavy drinking can affect the absorption of vitamins in the liver which are needed to maintain healthy eyes and good vision. People who consider themselves to be «social drinkers» are at risk of developing long-term health issues because of the amount of alcohol they regularly consume. Regularly drinking doesn’t mean binge drinking or getting drunk daily – it can be defined as 3 alcoholic beverages for men or 2 for women daily.

Loss of Vision from Age-related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)

One of the most vision-threatening effects of long-term alcohol consumption is optic neuropathy or optic atrophy. This condition can also be referred to as tobacco-alcohol amblyopia, caused by people who drink or smoke excessively. It results in a painless loss of vision, decreased peripheral vision, and reduced color vision.