Badoo is a global trend when it comes to meeting people online. It is not a classic dating website, it is a place where you can find interesting people from various locations all over the world.
The goal is to talk to people you never met before, but who knows? You might stumble into someone you know already. Badoo matches you with people who are nearby, so anything is possible.
However, there is no option on Badoo to search directly for someone using their name. This article will explore other options for finding people on Badoo.
How to Look for People on Badoo
Sadly, there is no way of looking up people on Badoo using their full name. Knowing their email address, social media account names, or even their phone number wont help either.
Knowing that there are more than 423 000 000 registered accounts on Badoo is not encouraging if you want to find a specific person. Luckily, you can use the People Nearby feature, which shows you all of the Badoo users in your area.
How to Use People Nearby on Badoo
You can use Badoo via your web browser or you can download the app from Google Play Store or Apples App Store. After signing up, which you can do for free, you can enter the dating app. The People Nearby feature is at the top of your screen if you are on your browser, or on the bottom left if you are using the phone app.
This feature is designed differently on the browser and on the app. Here is how you can navigate People Nearby to narrow down your search:
Using the Badoo Mobile App:
- Once you are on the People Nearby screen, tap on the icon in the top right corner.
- You will be able to change your Location at the top of the screen.
- It is set to show all the people in your vicinity by default.
- You can type in the name of any city you prefer.
- You can also choose the sex of people you want to find you can select guys, girls, or both.
- Also, there is an option to filter people by activity, whether you want all users, just the online ones, or only new users.
- Finally, it sorts people by age and you can select any age group from 18 to 80 and above. Everyone on Badoo has to be of legal age to use it.
- Tap on the check mark at the top right corner to confirm changes.
Using the Badoo Website:
- When you open the People Nearby tab on your browser, you will see all these different search parameters at the top of your screen.
Start Searching
Now that you have worked out all the details, you can begin your search. Badoos list of nearby people seems endless, but you should know that it will prioritize people who are close to your current location.
If you are persistent, you can dig through the list and recognize a familiar face. Most of the users will not use their last name on this app, but some will give their first name and the initial letter of their last name. Keep in mind that many people use fake names or aliases.
Some users link to their Instagram or Facebook accounts with their Badoo profiles. This can be used to confirm that you found the right person.
Finding Dory
That is all Badoo has to offer in terms of finding somebody by name. But its also worth mentioning the lookalike feature Badoo added some time ago. When you go to somebodys profile, you can see their lookalikes and perhaps find the person you were looking for.
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